Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.



美富銀行創立於2007年,是一間以服務客戶和社區為宗旨的獨立商業銀行。總行位於加州阿凱迪亞市,為聖蓋博谷及洛杉磯郡附近的個人和商業團體提供財務服務。我們的專業人員經驗豐富而且在社區有豐沛人脈,擅長於為每位客戶提供量身定做, 彈性而且敏捷的銀行業務。

美富銀行的特長是個人和商業銀行業務項目,包括配合您個人或商業財務計劃的各種存款帳戶和完整的貸款項目(個人信用貸款或商業信用貸款, 國際貿易貸款,建築和長期商業不動產貸款,等)。協助您企業的成長和投資目標的達成。我們使用最先進的網路銀行科技,經由網絡系統提供線上理財服務。

作為一間社區銀行,美富銀行的成功來自於一直支持我們的社區。我們的營業哲學是建立一間負責任的財務機構來維持社區的安定, 成長和繁榮

Our CDFI Certification

American Plus Bank, N.A. is one of approximately 120 commercial banks across the United States certified by the U.S. Department of the Treasury as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). CDFI Certification is the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s recognition of specialized financial institutions with their primary mission of promoting community development and serving low-income communities. As a CDFI, we are committed to reaching out and providing access to capital/financial services to our community, including those who are unserved/underserved, and lending to minorities. Our products and services are designed to create sustainable impact in our community.

Certified CDFI

 Learn more about CDFIs

In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of the Treasury policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Submit a complaint of discrimination, by mail to U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220, (202) 622-1160 (phone), (202) 622-0367 (fax), or email to crcomplaints@treasury.gov


Johnson Yang, 董事長
Leo L. Y. Lee, 副董事長
Sheng-Cheng Chen, 董事
John Nerland, 董事
Tianlai Bill Hu, 董事
Miu Kuen (Fanny) Leung, 董事

Jie Lin, 董事
Fei H. Tu, 董事
Thomas Hao-Hsien Wu, 董事



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